Ballance Weekly Report

Week 11 of 2021
March 8th, 2021 - March 14th, 2021

Swung took a deep research for Ballance resolution script. He firstly took a research for Screen Modes and Synch to Screen, which were the Level scripts within base.cmo. He mainly solved the problem that Ballance frequently show a black screen and stop working on new machine or other platform.
After this, He, BallanceBug and other Ballance community members wrote a fulfilled Wiki page which describes how to deal with Ballance startup issues.
He also said he are working for getting the root issue of the problem that game freeze when you got an extra life. However, current research result has solved enough previously pending Ballance bugs.

Screen Modes research result:
Synch to Screen research result:
Conclusion Wiki page:

Ballexer released his new custom map: Confusing(迷惑). In release topic, he said his map have an estern egg and you should not put this map in Level 12 otherwise you will never see it. Accoring to his description, the decorations of this map have assist work from BallanceBug and dahkjdas.


Release topic:

孤水白莲 post a topic called Imaging the Ballance containing Level 14. He mainly talked about that which custom map is the best match for Level 14, and he also attached some limitations. Some members took part in this topic.

Topic link: