
2021年2月1日 - 2021年2月7日


Hey guys, I was chatting with a friend of mine earlier, and he takes indie games to play on his Twitch streams. I suggested he play Ballance, and told him that he needs to follow the right steps to install the game. I looked over the FAQ, and based on what I've read, it sounds like he should at least download the installer and set compatibility mode on. However, since he's gonna be streaming the game instead of just playing it, I was wondering if there's any extra steps he should take. Should he install the mod loader for example?
大家好,我之前是和我的一个朋友聊天的,他在Twitch直播中玩独立游戏。 我建议他玩“平衡”游戏,并告诉他他需要按照正确的步骤安装游戏。 我仔细阅读了FAQ,并根据我读到的内容,听起来他至少应该下载安装程序并设置兼容模式。 但是,由于他不只是玩游戏,而是要直播游戏,所以我想知道他是否应该采取任何其他措施。 例如,他应该安装mod loader吗?

Marli随后回复:mod loader非常有用。它可以在全屏显示时不限制帧率,还可以宽屏玩。可以轻松安装自定义关卡。所以我建议他安装mod loader

I noticed that my version of Ballance has a few small changes from when it used to run on disc. Some of he sound effects get cut off and don't loop properly (like hitting metal bars with the stone ball and the splash screen logo), and the game counts time points much faster on the level end screen than it did before. I didn't find any information on the FAQ on how to resolve this. Does it happen because the game is downloaded from the internet instead of being on a disk? Or something else?
好的,我稍后将尝试还原BML。 顺便说一句,我注意到我的Ballance版本与以前在光盘上运行时相比有一些小的变化。 他的某些音效会被切断并且无法正确循环播放(例如,用石球和启动画面徽标击打金属棒),并且游戏在关卡结束画面上计算时间点的速度比以前快得多。 在常见问题解答中找不到有关如何解决此问题的任何信息。 是否会因为游戏是从互联网下载而不是从磁盘下载而发生的? 或者是其他东西?
